Mouths of Babes

Advocates of e-cigarettes are facing a new public backlash: the ease for children and teens to obtain and use the devices.

While it is true that the devices are treated like tobacco products (in that they feature an age requirement for purchase), the fact is that — with no visible smoke or smell — children and teens can often use the e-cigarettes without detection.

Contrary to the assertions of some, I am not anti-e-cigarettes. However, I do believe they should be subject to the same scrutiny as tobacco products, and measures should be taken to keep the devices out of the hands of children and teens.

Hypocrisy Lives

Some doctors are asking health officials — including the World Health Organization and the FDA — to halt e-cigarette regulation decisions until their potential health risks can be determined.

What these “doctors” may be forgetting is that these so-called ‘safe’ devices are loaded with nicotine. They are not a safe alternative to smoking ‘standard’ cigarettes, and most people who use them realize this fact.

Ideally, lawmakers would cease this nonsense of regulating what grown adults do with their own health. But so long as the War on Tobacco rages strong, e-cigarettes should not be given a free pass.